Air Filtration

Effective Air Filtration Solutions to Safeguard Your Home

Air filtration technology has advanced over the last several decades, giving homeowners more options than ever. Felix Air Services understands how frustrating it may be to navigate the many options, but our experts will help you find the most effective air filtration solutions for your home.

Factors Contributing to Your Poor Indoor Air Quality

Many people don’t understand what affects indoor air quality. The truth is, there are many factors. Some of the primary culprits include:

  • Carbon dioxide
  • Poor humidity levels
  • Pollen, pet dander, and dust mites 
  • Chemicals in household cleaning products 
  • Tobacco smoke

These are only a few factors that contribute to poor indoor air quality. If you want to improve yours, talk to our experts about our effective air filtration solutions.

How an Air Filtration System Benefits Your Home

When you have an air filtration system installed, it works to keep your air free from harmful pathogens like bacteria and viruses. These systems improve your air conditioner’s performance and make it easier to keep a clean home. However, those aren’t the only advantages.

Other benefits of effective air solutions include the following:

  • Relief from allergy symptoms
  • Reduction of asthma symptoms 
  • Enhanced sleep
  • Improved smell
  • Extended lifespan for your HVAC system

After your air filtration system is installed, you may notice an improvement in your overall health.

Banner highlighting an offer from Felix Air Services: 'FREE FILTER FOR ONE YEAR' with the purchase and installation of a new HVAC system. A limited-time opportunity to enhance indoor air quality with a new system setup.

Protect your health! Call us today for effective air filtration solutions.

Contact us by calling 210-386-1599, or fill out the form below and we will be in contact within one business day.

Air Filtration

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